Harnessing Holographic Microscopy for Advanced Particle Imaging

Harnessing Holographic Microscopy for Advanced Particle Imaging

As scientific publications have shown, light scattering microscopy – and holographic microscopy in particular – has enormous potential for detailed analysis of particles. Our group has set up several holographic systems to explore these phenomena and obtained the first systematic measurements.

Our goal is to image particles both near and below the wavelength of light. To achieve this, we use innovative methods in different settings. Due to the small size of the particles under investigation and the presence of foreign particles on the surface, as well as the granular noise introduced by the laser light, we are developing signal amplification techniques to increase the accuracy of the measurements.

The attached image shows the raw holographic images of three polystyrene particles of different sub-wavelength sizes, captured from different projection distances. We focus on distinguishing the fine signal in the presence of noise.