Survey Reveals Residents’ Experiences and Concerns about Urban Heat Islands in Erzsébetváros

Survey Reveals Residents’ Experiences and Concerns about Urban Heat Islands in Erzsébetváros

In the autumn of 2022, a survey was conducted in Erzsébetváros to explore the experiences and opinions of residents and workers about urban heatwaves and heat islands. Given the scarcity of tree-lined areas and the high concentration of tall buildings, these phenomena significantly affect the people living in the area.

High Awareness but a Need for More Information

The survey highlighted that residents are highly aware of the changes in the urban climate. They actively observe these transformations and keep themselves updated on climate change news. Using the residents’ observations, we created a map pinpointing areas that experience uncomfortable levels of heat during heatwaves—areas that could be susceptible to the heat island effect.

Residents reported that as summer heatwaves approach, they keep an eye on weather forecasts and heatwave warnings. However, they expressed a desire for more accurate temperature data specific to their immediate surroundings and information on how to adapt and cool their homes effectively.

Coping with Heatwaves: A Challenge

Last year, locals coped with heatwaves through individual solutions, which often entailed additional tasks and costs. While these coping mechanisms provided some relief, there’s a clear need for community-level interventions to mitigate the impact of urban heat and improve overall well-being.

Moving Forward

The survey’s findings have opened the door for more targeted climate services and community interventions. The map created using the residents’ observations will serve as an invaluable resource for urban planning initiatives aimed at alleviating heat stress. With this data in hand, the goal is to develop effective strategies for adaptive urban living in the face of rising temperatures.

#UrbanHeatIslands #Erzsébetváros #ClimateChange #CommunitySurvey #AdaptiveLiving

Places affected by urban heat