Cooperation with
the RemoteAlpha project
Remote and Real-Time Optical Detection of Alpha Emitting Radionuclides in the Environment
E-learning for the Remote Alpha project
Radiological emergencies involving the accidental or intentional dispersal of alpha-emitting radionuclides can significantly harm people and society. Currently, there is no system available for measuring large-scale contamination with these radionuclides, and new remote detection techniques are required to overcome the limitations of traditional detectors.

IDEAS Science Ltd. is collaborating with the Remote Alpha consortium on a development project within the EMPIR framework. This project focuses on applying the alpha-radioluminescence technique to quantify large-scale contamination with alpha emitters in outdoor environments.

RemoteALPHA aims to develop new techniques and technologies that enable the sensing of radiological threats from a safe distance. IDEAS Science Ltd. has been tasked with developing an e-learning course for first responders in collaboration with MATE University.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR: 19ENV02 RemoteALPHA (19ENV02)